We offer help for a wide range of psychological and physical conditions, from stress to fibromyalgia to 'sports' injuries and back pain. We've added information about the most common issues we see in clinic. If you don't see your issue listed and you're not sure if we can help you, leave us a voicemail at 01733 767097 and Helen will call you back to discuss it with you before booking.
1 in 4 British people suffer from depression within a given year, with many experiencing low mood accompanied by insomnia, change in appetite, pessimism and suicidal thoughts. Conventional treatment typically involves anti-depressant drugs and psychological therapies, but Acupuncture has also been proven to be an effective a treatment option for depression on it's own, or in conjunction with conventional medicine. Our treatments are tailored to your individual needs and requirements.
Stress can sometimes be used as a catch-all word for many symptoms but the fact is that stress is very real and can be the starting point for all types of anxiety, depression, hypertension, lethargy, addiction, obesity and muscle pain.
Acupuncture can be prescribed to soothe and tonify the body so that you can better cope with stress. We can also teach you techniques to help you cope, such as breathing exercises and mindfulness exercises.
Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint. In the UK, more than 10 million people of all ages have arthritis or similar conditions that affect the joints.
The use of acupuncture for low back pain is now widely accepted and recommended by NICE for chronic primary pain including low back pain and sciatica, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthritis.
An increasing number of people worldwide suffer from digestive issues. These are often caused by poor diet, stress and lifestyle habits, and reliance on over-the-counter medications to temporarily ease uncomfortable symptoms. We all suffer from digestive health issues at some point in our lives but far too many of us just live with it, sometimes allowing the condition to become chronic, developing into conditions such as IBS. A wide variety of these conditions can be successfully treated with Acupuncture.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that causes pain all over the body. Other symptoms include extreme tiredness (fatigue), muscle stiffness, headaches, stiffness and difficulty sleeping. Acupuncture and shiatsu can help. Read on to learn how...
If you suffer from migraines or tension type headaches, you know how painful and debilitating these conditions can be. Read on to find out more about headache disorders and how acupuncture can help to treat and prevent migraine and some other headache disorders.
By choosing acupuncture to help with subfertility, you will feel an improvement in your general health, energy and emotions, as the treatment we give will seek to re-balance your entire body. Another benefit is that acupuncture complements conventional treatments. The two approaches are known to work well together to achieve a healthy baby. We also support clients on their IVF journey.
Insomnia, including difficulty falling asleep, frequently waking up during the night, or waking up earlier than desired, can result in getting up in the morning feeling unrested and experiencing drowsiness during the day. Acupuncture is recommended by the World Health Organisation as a treatment for insomnia. Read on to find out more.
We have been treating people for a range of lingering symptoms caused by Covid-19, such as problems with the digestive system, fatigue/weakness, difficulty sleeping, headaches, nausea, loss of taste and smell, unexplained new aches and pains that sometimes move around the body, abnormal heat/sweats, anxiety, palpitations, dizziness. Chinese medicine (acupuncture and herbs) can play an essential role in your recovery. We have been helping clients with long covid for sometime now, in addition to other post-viral syndromes, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, which long covid can develop in to if treatment is not sought.
Acupuncture strengthen the body’s overall defences, regulates antibodies and restores some balance from the very first treatment. It can help on-going mysterious sinus problems as well as seasonal rhinitis.
We provide treatments for tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder; ankle, shoulder, knee, wrist pain and swelling. Acupuncture is a highly effective treatment for sports injuries, providing both pain relief and enhanced healing. Read on to learn more..
There are many methods for giving up cigarettes, but perhaps the most successful is auricular acupuncture. Following the well proven NADA protocol for auricular (ear) micro-systems acupuncture with some body points, this type of acupuncture is designed to support your mind and body’s withdrawal symptoms as you quit smoking, usually over a period of 3 weeks. Our approach is to give 5 sessions over 3 weeks. We offer this as a special bundle package. Some of our clients also benefit from being taught some meditation techniques to use inbetween sessions. It is important to come at a time when life's stresses are low.
Trigeminal Neuralgia (TGN) is a very painful nerve condition affecting the face. Symptoms are excruciating electrical pain on either side of the face on one or multiple branches of the trigeminal nerve. It is a condition that usually more prevalent in women. Read on the learn about natural methods of treatment.
Bubbling Spring Acupuncture Clinic